Telugune Preminchudham, Telugutho Jivinchudham, Teluguvari Ghanatha Penchi Loka Kirthi Chatudham, Jai Telugu Talli! Jai Telugu!
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Scholarship Programmes!
MARA Scholarship Programs
http://www.mara. gov.my/english/ division/ BPP/default. htm
Yayasan Proton Scholarship
http://www.malaysia -scholarship. com/yproton. html
PTPTN Education Loan
http://ptptn. gov.my/
The Star Education Fund
http://thestar. com.my/edufund
Astro Scholarship Award
http://www.astro. com..my/v5/ astrolife/ scholarship/
PETRONAS Education Scholarship Programs
http://esu-spmtrial .petronas. com.my/
2007 MNRB Scholarship Fund
http://www.mnrb. com.my/
OCBC Bank Scholarship
http://www.ocbc. com.my/global/ aboutOCBC/ Gco_Abt_Communit y.shtm
Bank Negara Scholarship
http://www.bnm. gov.my/
ABM 50th Merdeka Scholarship
http://www.abm. org.my/
Curtin Sarawak Scholarship
http://www.curtin. edu.my/
The University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus High Achievers Scholarships
http://www.nottingh am.edu.my/ students/ MISC/High% 20Achievers% 20Scholarship% 202006-July06. pdf
HELP University College
http://www.help. edu.my/scholarsh ips/index. php
Adelaide Achiever Scholarships International (AASI)
http://www.internat ional.adelaide. edu.au/future/ scholarships/ ug/
Curtin University of Technology Scholarship
http://www.emaac. org/
Charles Darwin University Scholarship
http://www.malaysia -scholarship. com/www.cdu. edu.au/engineeri ng/scholarships_ ug_int_eng. htm
Kolej Disted-Stamford Degree Scholarships
http://www.disted. edu.my/
Leeds University Scholarships
http://scholarships .leeds.ac. uk/
Loughborough University Human Science Scholarships
http://www.lboro. ac.uk/
MAAC Scholarship - La Trobe University 2006
http://www.latrobe. edu.au/internati onal/courses/ ug.html
NUS / Asean Undergraduate Scholarship
http://www.nus. edu.sg/admission s/undergrad/ scholarship/ nus_asean. htm
UCL Pathfinder Scholarships
http://www.ucl. ac.uk/
University of Sheffield Scholarship
http://www.shef. ac.uk/malaysia/ entry.html
UTAR Scholarships
http://www.utar. edu.my/
Nanyang Technological University Scholarship
http://www.ntu. edu.sg/oad/ scholarships/ nanyang.htm
Tasmanian International Scholarships
http://www.internat ional.utas. edu.au/documents /internationalAp plication. pdf
University of Malaya Fellowship Scheme
http://ips.um. edu.my/
Universiti Malaysia Sarawak Scholarship
http://www.unimas. my/
King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST Discovery Scholarship)
http://apply. embark.com/ kaust/discovery/
Universiti Malaysia Sabah Scholarship
http://www.ums. edu.my/pasca
Friday, December 11, 2009
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Grand closing event ‘’ Kem Kebudayaan Kecemerlangan 2009 ’’ ‘’Moral Camp 2009’’
Grand closing event ‘’ Kem Kebudayaan Kecemerlangan 2009 ’’ ‘’Moral Camp 2009’’
Date : 12.12.09
Time : 3.00pm ~ 7.00pm
Venue : Golf Resort .Kulim. Kedah.
We can view all the Telugu cultural activities which will be present by Our children’s.
Most of the programs are:-
1) Telugu Thalli (Songs by Students)
2) Maa Baddi songs (small Children)
3) PadhyaLu
4) SamethaLu
5) Vinnara Yesodhamma (Ballet Dance)
6) ChirathaLu (Boys Group)
7) Dhaatu Bhajana
8) Mohini Basmasura
9) Poduphu KatahaLu
10) Gala-gala savaditho Paatto
11) Burra Kattha
12) ChirataLu (Girls Group)
13) Dhaatu Bhajana
14) TenaLi Rama (Drama)
15) Mana Kosam (songs)
16) Story Telling
17) Debate in Telugu
18) Songs
We request all of you please attend with your family member’s friends and relatives
National Youth.